From Motor Mechanic to Full-Stack Developer

From Motor Mechanic to Full-Stack Developer

We sat down with Hassan to learn about his journey via Code College to become a full-stack developer.

Tell us about your journey before studying coding

When I left school, I enrolled for a Degree in IT Systems Software Development. I found it not very exciting because it was theoretical and the students were basically left on their own to read and learn. We were given a lot of textbooks and no meaningful help and virtually no real-life practicals. I left after approximately a year and a half and searched for something more practical, so I enrolled for an apprenticeship as a motor mechanic at Nissan. I qualified in August 2021 as a motor mechanic, it was a 3-year course.

What inspired you to study software development in 2022?

Because of my practical nature, I was still a little bit intrigued by software development and knew I would have to learn it in a more practical way, to work for me. I learned about someone who was employed after doing a Code College Java Bootcamp via a family member and decided to do some more research about Code College.

Why Code College? What stood out about Code College?

What I found attractive was the practical nature of the training, because I knew that would appeal to me. I could clearly see that the teaching style was not what I received when I was doing a degree - it was more like an apprenticeship. It was evident in the success stories of previous students of Code College.

Did you have to know basic coding to apply to Code College?

No - I started at the basic Intro to Programming Course and it was starting at the basic level where no knowledge and experience about coding was assumed. The training immediately appealed to me - I instantly knew this is what I wanted to do. So I enrolled on the Java Bootcamp. The Intro to Programming Course was a good way for me to test the water before committing to any of their Coding Bootcamps, so I enrolled for the Java Bootcamp.

What was a typical day like in the Code College Java Bootcamp?

Every module had a week or two full-time streaks in the classroom and was also attended by the remote students. During this streak, we not only covered the course material but also got to know our peers and made friends with them. This made it easier to work together in the following streak of practicals where we worked together and apart and connected regularly via regular online stand-up meetings.

How many hours per week did you need to spend on your studies?

II was studying full-time and I spent at least 8 hours a day and sometimes more.

What was the teaching style like at Code College?

The teaching style emphasises learning from mentors and peers, and individually. We also learned how to research on our own, on the internet when we were stuck.

Since this was for you an Online Bootcamp, how did you connect with your fellow students and instructors?

We collaborated 24/7 on chat groups. Our daily meetings and code reviews were conducted via the Code College Online Meeting Server. The campus students and the remote students were collaborating throughout and attended the same meetings.

How did Code College prepare you for the tech job hunt?

They helped us with our CVs and taught us interview tips and what to expect from job interviews. They groomed us for the open job market and also sent our CVs out to their in-house client base at Compuways, their own recruitment agency. I found a job in the open market.

Which tech roles did you feel qualified to apply for after graduating?

Was the Employer interested in your Code College Bootcamp experience?

Yes, that was discussed in detail during the interview process. I had a technical interview in which the employer tested my technical knowledge as well as general team skills. I was questioned in detail about my technical knowledge, apps developed and my team skills - then the employer matched me with their projects.

Success Stories

We have changed many lives from unemployed to employed, facilitated career changes and improved existing careers. We have many students that can testify and we are very proud of it. Here are some video testimonials: