NodeJS Programming Training Course | Code College

NodeJS Programming Training Course

Learn NodeJS programming for server-side coding to serve as a back-end in MVC or RESt API applications


  • 5 Days Full-time

What do I need?

  • Webinar : A laptop, and a stable internet connection. The recommended minimum speed is around 10 Mbps.
  • Classroom Training : A laptop, please notify us if you are not bringing your own laptop. Please see the calendar below for the schedule


  • Attendance : If you have attended 80% of the sessions and completed all the class work, you qualify for the Attendance Certificate. (Course Price : R14 500)
  • Competency : Only offered as part of a Coding Bootcamp
  • You may apply for credits in NQF level 5 but these are to be ordered seperately at additional cost


You should have passed our HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript courses before doing this course


  • In-Person (Woodmead Classroom)
  • Remote (Discord Webinar)

Who will benefit

This course is intended, for anyone who needs to learn Node.js and the tools required to build a web application. If you have some familiarity with JavaScript but little experience with web development, this course is for you.

This course is project-based, students need to be proficient in navigating their computers, typing, and working with a web browser. No experience in web-connected applications is expected. Students with a background in backend or service technologies are good candidates for this course.

What you will learn

  • Learn how JavaScript can help you be highly productive as a full-stack developer
  • How to set up an end to end Node.js development environment
  • Learn how to create reusable and maintainable Node.js modules
  • Patterns for sharing code between the server and the client
  • Create Node.js restful web services and websites
  • Store and retrieve your data using Document Databases
  • How to test your Node.js applications
  • How to deploy your applications on the internet
  • This course constitutes the core subject portion of the corresponding module in the Web Developer Bootcamp


Day 1

  • Installing Node.js
  • Using the REPL
  • Executing Node.js Scripts
  • Setting Up an Integrated Development Environment
  • Creating a Node.js module
  • Building a simple web server in Node.js
  • Handling incoming data
  • Writing routes to serve external files
  • Creating our first Node.JS Web App

Day 2

Express JS Web Development

  • Node ModulesSetting up an app with Express JS
  • Routing in Express JS
  • Connecting views with templates
  • Configurations and error handling
  • Enhancing our first web app with Express JS
  • Connecting with a database

  • Setting up a MongoDB Database
  • Building models with Mongoose
  • Connecting models with controllers
  • Storing user subscriptions
  • Day 3

    Building a user model

  • Improvising on models
  • Creating models
  • Updating and deleting models
  • Adding CRUD functionality to our web app
  • Authenticating user accounts

  • Adding sessions and flash messages
  • Building user logins and hashing passwords
  • User authentication
  • Adding user authentication to our web app
  • Day 4

    Producing an API

  • How to expose an API
  • How to access the API
  • Adding security to the API
  • Enhancing our Web app by publishing an API with it
  • Chat functionality

  • Working with Socket.IO
  • Saving chat messages
  • Adding chat notifications
  • Adding chat functionality to our web app
  • Day 5

    Deploying and coding in production

  • Deploying our app
  • Managing the running app in production
  • Testing our app
  • Deploying our final web app
  • Calendar