Apply for a Student Loan

Do you want to invest in your future self but do not have the funding available upfront? We've got you covered. Financing makes education more affordable by spreading the payments over a longer term. Code College has partners to assist our students to learn more about, apply or simply see how much funding they qualify for.

In terms of affordability, the customer has to earn from R7500 per month and above, we aren't able to give an exact estimate of what their installments would be due to their additional expenses.Please see the below table which is calculated at prime interest rate of 11.75%

Please note the bootcamp prices are for illustration only and may be outdated. To get the current pricing, please look at each course page.

Term Web progBootcamp
(25 000)
Web Dev Bootcamp
(50 000)
Java Bootcamp
(R100 000)
4IR Bootcamp
(R150 000)
84 months R485.00 R970.00 R1842,09 R2718,05
78 months R505,45 R1010,87 R1930,54 R2850,20
72 months R531,74 R1063,47 R2034,49 R3005,51
66 months R563,03 R1126,06 R2158,18 R3190,31
60 months R600,81 R1201,62 R2307,54 R3413,46
54 months R647,25 R1294,51 R2491,12 R3687,74
48 months R705,60 R1411,21 R2721,78 R4032,34
42 months R780,97 R1561,94 R3019,68 R4477,42
36 months R881,85 R1763,71 R3418,47 R5073,22

Please complete the form and one of our representatives will call you back Apply Now!

Study for free - with an Income Share Agreement - you'll need:

  • Freshly Qualified (in the previous calendar year) Matriculants: Above average academic results and a pass in our aptitude test
  • We do accept your matric 3rd term (2024) interim results, to apply for the January 2025 intake
  • Freshly Qualified (in the previous calendar year) Tertiary Qualification (Degree / NDipl etc)? : You automatically qualify for the ISA
  • Be unemployed - proof required
  • Have no sponsor - proof required
  • May not study anything else in parallel, the only focus is the Coding Bootcamp you selected
The following hardware is required - if you do not have access to these, you may still apply, indicating as such. This might delay your start as we have limited access to hardware sponsors
  • Stable internet connection with router UPS. Even if you attend physical classes, you must have a stable internet connection at home
  • Laptop equivalent to Intel i5 with 8 Gb RAM
  • Extension monitor
The income share agreement (subject to availability and merit) is based on paying back the study fees, but you only start paying when employed (10%-25% of income, sliding scale) and you only pay while employed.
The income share agreements are limited and subject to availablity. The income share agreement's total starting amount will start at R120 000 (12 month bootcamp) and R65 000 for the (6 month bootcamp) due to the payment term starting only after employment.

Unemployment Grant System

Pay only R500-R1000 pm . If your family is unemployed, on the Grant System, and you have a good laptop, strong Wifi and good pass in Matric, we will consider your application.

Apply Now!